The Sonoric Project





YTILAUD is a musical project that came about from an instant of inspiration. An instant that was made possible through countless hours of work, frustration, but also glimpses of peace.
Its purpose is to express musically what is not musical, express symbolically what is not symbolic, and to express through limitations what is unlimited.
This is actually not possible to do and is quite futile in itself. Yet the means to reverse what is upside down can only meet where it can be accepted. This might be one of the many ways it presents itself.
In time the means will disappear alongside with time itself, and what will remain is beyond understanding. Maybe this project can help speed up that process, maybe it can be a nudge in the right direction, maybe it can even remind of a song long forgotten, but never lost.
Notwithstanding, I feel honoured and grateful to be able to share this journey with you; one rung up the ladder at a time, one image at a time.
Thank you for stopping by and like a Wise Teacher once said: “From the heart, may it go to the heart.”


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